On September 29, 2015, Peter Harmeling had the opportunity to participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony of the Torigian Family YMCA Partnership Program. The Partnership Program is designed for people with disabilities brought on by spinal cord injuries, neurological disorders, stroke or illness. It provides dedicated adaptive fitness equipment and Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainers free […]
Congratulations to our staff moving on to attend graduate school!
It is a source of pride when our staff are accepted and continue on to graduate school. We hope that what they learned while working with us has only strengthened their desire to become caring, knowledgeable clinicians. Congratulations to Gabe Kondrotas starting his P.A. degree at MCPHS in the fall of 2018 Jose Soltero starting […]
Gifts for families supported by the North Shore Community Action Program
Santa’s “sleigh” was full this morning delivering gifts that our staff donated to families in need through North Shore Community Action Programs! Happy Holidays everyone!