Now Offering Shockwave Therapy
What is Shockwave?
- Shockwave Therapy, also known as Pressure Wave Technology or Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment (ePAT), is a treatment method for pain whereby high-energy sound waves are introduced into the painful areas of the body.
- Shockwave is one of the most advanced and highly effective, non-invasive treatment methods cleared by the FDA.
- Shockwave can help eliminate pain and restore mobility, quickly improving the patient’s quality of life.
How it works:
- Accelerates healing by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue
- High energy acoustic sound waves are introduced into the body by penetrating tissue and stimulating cells responsible for bone and connective tissue healing
- Uses your body’s existing and natural healing agents such as red blood cells, growth factors, and stem cells
Treatable Conditions:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Heel Spurs
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Morton’s Neuroma/Fibroma
- Peroneal Tendinitis
- Shin Splints
- Patellar/Quadriceps Tendinopathy
- Knee Pain
- It Band Syndrome
- Gluteal Tendinopathy
- Hip Bursitis
- Shoulder Pain
- Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
- Frozen Shoulder
- Bicep Tendinitis
- Tennis Elbow
- Wrist Tendinitis
- Scar Tissue
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
Why use Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave has a proven success rate that can be as effective or more effective at treating pain than other methods such as surgery or pharmaceuticals. Millions of patients have benefited from this technology and significantly improved their quality of life.
- 91% success rate (as per clinical trials)
- Faster, easier healing
- No downtime
- Long-term results
- Effective and affordable
- High patient satisfaction